Tuesday, April 9, 2013

PLE 10 Language and Cognitive Development

Question: Theories in educational psychology promote the idea that language plays a critical role in cognitive development. Examine Table 2.2 (p. 51), paying particular attention to the age range that you are interested in teaching. Consider how you might incorporate or adapt the strategies presented for use with your own students.

Language development plays a critical role in each classroom learning environment. Whether it is learning vocab in math, science, visual art, creative writing, or music, students can expand their brains by extensive vocabulary usage as they continue through each grade level. I will be certified K-12, and it is important for me to incorporate appropriate vocabulary usage in the music classroom for all grade levels. 

A bulleted point that stood out to me under the "3-5 suggested strategy" was "having students create short stories that they present orally in writing." A recording can be played by the teacher, or a piece on the piano, and the students can narrate a story that ties along with the music. For more advanced students (middle school), students can describe the music using musical terminology such as "piano" for soft, and "forte" for loud. In the same sense, under the "9-12 suggested strategy" in table 2.2 "distinguish between similar words", students can come up with synonyms and antonyms for musical terminology. 


Accelerando- A symbol used in musical notation indicating to gradually quicken tempo.

Ritardando- A symbol used in musical notation indicating to gradually slow down tempo. 


Decrescendo- gradually reducing force or loudness

Diminuendo- gradually reducing force or loudness

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